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排污的谎言(A Lie about Contaminated Water Discharge)

来源:津云 时间:2023-07-18 21:17 阅读量: 字号:




  In ancient China,there was an idiom which goes“call a stag a horse,”This metaphor means distorting facts by calling white black,and confusing right and wrong.And in Fukushima,Japan, in 2023,a true story of the like is unfolding.More than 1.3 million tons of nuclear-contaminated water will be discharged into the sea through a 1 km long undersea tunnel.The whole process will last for a total of 30 years.The opening of Pandora's Box awakens Godzilla, a giant beast that feeds on nuclear radiation.When learning the horrific news,The Dragon King,who commands tens of thousands of water tribes,becomes restless.Right now,the Dragon King wages a battle against Godzilla...



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